年代區間:1867 ~ 1941
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 8 筆):
相關物件 (3):Schools, Mission,Curriculum,English languageMission educational policySchools, Mission,Curriculum
相關人物 (4):Martin, William Alexander ParsonLegge, JamesART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
相關事件 (1):Conferences,Peking Missionary
相關團體 (1):Peking Missionary Association (PekingMA)
1. 在 p.249-251 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission,Curriculum,English language - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
2. 在 p.249-260 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission,Curriculum - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Mission educational policy - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
McCoy, D.C. - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
3. 在 p.249 出現的紀錄:
Conferences,Peking Missionary - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Peking Missionary Association (PekingMA) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)
4. 在 p.254 出現的紀錄:
Martin, William Alexander Parson - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)OTH (Other Publications)
5. 在 p.255 出現的紀錄:
Martin, William Alexander Parson - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
6. 在 p.256 出現的紀錄:
Martin, William Alexander Parson - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
7. 在 p.257 出現的紀錄:
Legge, James - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
(volume. 14)
(volume. 14)
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 22 筆):
相關物件 (18):SCH (Schools)STA (Statistics)FIN (Finances)
相關人物 (10):AFF (Affiliation) :BaselMSGutzleff, Karl F.A. (Charles)Lechler, Rudolf
相關團體 (3):Basel Missionary Society (BaselMS)Rhenish Mission Society (RMS)Berlin Missionary Society (BerlinMS)
1. 在 p.112-113 出現的紀錄:
Basel Missionary Society (BaselMS) - Mission/Organization Index
HIS (History)
2. 在 p.115-116 出現的紀錄:
Missions, Finances - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
3. 在 p.114-116 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
4. 在 p.112-116 出現的紀錄:
Missions, China, Kwangtung - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Missions, History - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Hager, Charles Robert - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
Basel Missionary Society (BaselMS) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)
5. 在 p.112 出現的紀錄:
Roman Catholics - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Lechler, Rudolf - Person Index
AFF (Affiliation) : BaselMSARR (Arrivals) : 1847UNS (Unspecified)
Gutzleff, Karl F.A. (Charles) - Person Index
AFF (Affiliation) : RMS
6. 在 p.113 出現的紀錄:
Basel Missionary Society (BaselMS) - Mission/Organization Index
SCH (Schools)STA (Statistics)
7. 在 p.114 出現的紀錄:
Berlin Missionary Society (BerlinMS) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Basel Missionary Society (BaselMS) - Mission/Organization Index
SCH (Schools)
Rhenish Mission Society (RMS) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)
8. 在 p.115 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission,Curriculum,Religion - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Schools, Mission,Curriculum,History - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Schools, Mission,Curriculum,Chinese classics - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Schools, Mission,Curriculum - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Schaub, Martin - Person Index
AFF (Affiliation) : BaselMSUNS (Unspecified)
Gutzleff, Karl F.A. (Charles) - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Basel Missionary Society (BaselMS) - Mission/Organization Index
FIN (Finances)SCH (Schools)
9. 在 p.116 出現的紀錄:
Membership in missions,Converts - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Missions, Hawaii - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Missions, South America - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Hakka - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Hegberg, Theodore - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)AFF (Affiliation) : BaselMS
Gutzleff, Karl F.A. (Charles) - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)AFF (Affiliation) : BaselMS
Lechler, Rudolf - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Winnes, P. - Person Index
AFF (Affiliation) : BaselMSUNS (Unspecified)
Basel Missionary Society (BaselMS) - Mission/Organization Index
COV (Converts)FIN (Finances)SCH (Schools)STA (Statistics)
(volume. 17)
(volume. 17)
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 47 筆):
相關物件 (30):STA (Statistics)Missions, StatisticsCOV (Converts)
相關人物 (16):Eby, C.S.LOCais, HenryRichard, Timothy
相關地點 (6):LOC (Location) :Japan, YokohamaLOC (Location) :Japan, TokyoLOC (Location) :Japan
相關團體 (9):Religious Tract Society (RTS)American Bible Society (ABS)National Bible Society of Scotland (NBSS)
1. 在 p.407-408 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
2. 在 p.410-411 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission,Curriculum,Japanese - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Schools, Mission,Curriculum,Philosophy - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Schools, Mission,Curriculum,History - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Schools, Mission,Curriculum,Religion - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Schools, Mission,Curriculum,Science - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Schools, Mission,Curriculum - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
3. 在 p.412-413 出現的紀錄:
Missions, Literature and press - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
4. 在 p.417-418 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission,Textbooks - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Science and mathematics - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
5. 在 p.407-418 出現的紀錄:
Missions, Japan - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Richard, Timothy - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
6. 在 p.407 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission,Curriculum,English language - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Richard, Timothy - Person Index
LOC (Location) : Japan
7. 在 p.408 出現的紀錄:
Congregationalists - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Presbyterians - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Young Menʹs Christian Association (YMCA) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Religious Tract Society (RTS) - Mission/Organization Index
LOC (Location) : Great 8ritainUNS (Unspecified)
American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)
American Bible Society (ABS) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)STA (Statistics)
National Bible Society of Scotland (NBSS) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)
8. 在 p.409 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission,Finances - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Schools, Mission,Statistics - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM) - Mission/Organization Index
LOC (Location) : Japan, Kyoto
9. 在 p.410 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission,Curriculum,Geography - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Schools, Mission,Curriculum,Mathematics - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Schools, Mission,Curriculum,Chinese classics - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
10. 在 p.411 出現的紀錄:
Congregationalists - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
11. 在 p.412 出現的紀錄:
Bibles - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Missions, Statistics - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Religious Tract Society (RTS) - Mission/Organization Index
FIN (Finances)UNS (Unspecified)LOC (Location) : Japan, Yokohama
American Bible Society (ABS) - Mission/Organization Index
LOC (Location) : Japan, YokohamaUNS (Unspecified)STA (Statistics)
National Bible Society of Scotland (NBSS) - Mission/Organization Index
COV (Converts)UNS (Unspecified)STA (Statistics)LOC (Location) : Japan, Yokohama
British and Foreign Bible Society (BFBS) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)LOC (Location) : Japan, Tokyo
12. 在 p.413 出現的紀錄:
Educational institutions,Tokyo University - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Medical missions - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Berry, John C. - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)LOC (Location) : Japan, Kyoto
Faber, Ernest - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Graves, Rosewell H. - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Moody, Dwight L. - Person Index
LOC (Location) : United StatesUNS (Unspecified)
NeviUs, John Livingstone - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Eby, C.S. - Person Index
LOC (Location) : Japan, TokyoUNS (Unspecified)AFF (Affiliation) : CMEM
Williamson, Alexander - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Martin, William Alexander Parson - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Young Menʹs Christian Association (YMCA) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Canadian Methodist Episcopal Mission (CMEM) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)
13. 在 p.414 出現的紀錄:
Roman Catholics - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Missions, Statistics - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Orthodox Churches, Greek - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
LOCais, Henry - Person Index
POS (Positions) : Superintendent, ABSAFF (Affiliation) : ABSUNS (Unspecified)
Nicolai, Rt. Rev. - Person Index
AFF (Affiliation) : GOMUNS (Unspecified)
Scripture Union (SU) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)LOC (Location) : Japan, Tokyo
Roman Catholic Missions (RCM) - Mission/Organization Index
COV (Converts)LOC (Location) : JapanSTA (Statistics)UNS (Unspecified)
14. 在 p.415 出現的紀錄:
Buddhism - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Japanese legal system - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Missions, Statistics - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
15. 在 p.418 出現的紀錄:
Buddhism - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
(volume. 19)
(volume. 19)
Volume 27 Page 242-248
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 17 筆):
相關團體 (1):Educational Association of China (EAC)
相關人物 (11):Allen, Young J.Ferguson, John CalvinMateer, Calvin Wilson
相關物件 (8):Mission educational policySchools, Mission,Curriculum,Chinese classicsSchools, Mission,Curriculum
1. 在 p.242-248 出現的紀錄:
Mission educational policy - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Schools, Mission,Curriculum - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
2. 在 p.242 出現的紀錄:
Educational Association of China (EAC) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Allen, Young J. - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Headland, Isaac Taylor - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Fryer, John - Person Index
POS (Positions) : Editor, Education Department, CR
Ferguson, John Calvin - Person Index
POS (Positions) : Editor, Educetion Department, CRUNS (Unspecified)
Faber, Ernest - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Mateer, Calvin Wilson - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Silsby, John Alfred - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
3. 在 p.243 出現的紀錄:
Headland, Isaac Taylor - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Mateer, Calvin Wilson - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
4. 在 p.244 出現的紀錄:
Allen, Young J. - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Faber, Ernest - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
5. 在 p.245 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission,Curriculum,Science - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Schools, Mission,Curriculum,Mathematics - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Schools, Mission,Curriculum,Chinese classics - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
6. 在 p.246 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission,Curriculum,English language - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Schools, Mission,Curriculum,History - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Schools, Mission,Curriculum,Philosophy - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
7. 在 p.247 出現的紀錄:
Silsby, John Alfred - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
8. 在 p.248 出現的紀錄:
Schaub, Martin - Person Index
AFF (Affiliation) : BaselMSUNS (Unspecified)
(volume. 27)
(volume. 27)
Volume 34 Page 294-301
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 22 筆):
相關團體 (2):British and Foreign Bible Society (BFBS)Educational Association of China (EAC)
相關人物 (20):AFF (Affiliation) :EACSheffield, D.Z.Pott, Francis Lister Hawks
相關地點 (3):LOC (Location) :Fukien, HinghuaLOC (Location) :HunanLOC (Location) :Hong Kong
相關物件 (2):STA (Statistics)Schools, Mission,Curriculum
1. 在 p.294-301 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission,Curriculum - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
2. 在 p.294 出現的紀錄:
Banbury, G.A. - Person Index
AFF (Affiliation) : EACLOC (Location) : Hong KongUNS (Unspecified)
Hoy, William Edwin - Person Index
AFF (Affiliation) : EACLOC (Location) : HunanUNS (Unspecified)
Pott, Francis Lister Hawks - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Guthrie, Fred Lincoln - Person Index
AFF (Affiliation) : EACLOC (Location) : Fukien, HinghuaUNS (Unspecified)
Reid, Gilbert - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
3. 在 p.300 出現的紀錄:
MacGillivray, Donald - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)
Holbrook, Mariana - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)
Parker, Susie E. Williams - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)
Porter, Henry Dwight - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)
Sheffield, D.Z. - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)
Zia Hong-lei - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)
Mateer, Calvin Wilson - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)
Whiting - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)
Chepin - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)
Parkar, A.P. - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)
Pott, Francis Lister Hawks - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)
4. 在 p.301 出現的紀錄:
Educational Association of China (EAC) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Parkar, A.P. - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Hayes, Watson M. - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)AFF (Affiliation) : EAC
Pott, Francis Lister Hawks - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)AFF (Affiliation) : EAC
Peet, Ly.an B. - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)AFF (Affiliation) : EAC
Sheffield, D.Z. - Person Index
AFF (Affiliation) : EACOTH (Other Publications)UNS (Unspecified)
British and Foreign Bible Society (BFBS) - Mission/Organization Index
STA (Statistics)
Richard, Timothy - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)
Sites, Clement M. Leey - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)
Volume 34 Page 302
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 7 筆):
相關人物 (1):Hartwell, Emily S.
相關團體 (1):American Bible Society (ABS)
相關物件 (6):Chinese educational policyChinese languageSchools, Mission,Curriculum
1. 在 p.302 出現的紀錄:
Hartwell, Emily S. - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
American Bible Society (ABS) - Mission/Organization Index
REP (Reports)
Schools, Chinese - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Chinese language,Orthography - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Schools, Mission,Curriculum - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Chinese educational policy - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Chinese language - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
(volume. 34)
(volume. 34)
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 8 筆):
相關物件 (3):PRE (Press)Overseas Chinese,AfricaSchools, Mission,Curriculum
相關人物 (5):COR (Correspondence to the Editor)Smith, Arthur HendersonPott, Francis Lister Hawks
相關事件 (1):Conferences,General Missionary,Shanghai,1907
相關地點 (1):LOC (Location) :Shantung, Pʹanchʹuan
相關團體 (2):Educational Association of China (EAC)American Presbyterian Mission (APM)
1. 在 p.314-315 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission,Curriculum - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Pott, Francis Lister Hawks - Person Index
COR (Correspondence to the Editor)
2. 在 p.314 出現的紀錄:
Conferences,General Missionary,Shanghai,1907 - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Smith, Arthur Henderson - Person Index
LOC (Location) : Shantung, PʹanchʹuanCOR (Correspondence to the Editor)
Pott, Francis Lister Hawks - Person Index
DEP (Departure) :
American Presbyterian Mission (APM) - Mission/Organization Index
PRE (Press)
Educational Association of China (EAC) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)
3. 在 p.315 出現的紀錄:
Overseas Chinese,Africa - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Barrie, Howard G. - Person Index
COR (Correspondence to the Editor)
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 13 筆):
相關物件 (6):PresbyteriansMissions, China,SzechwanMissions, Literature and press
相關人物 (8):Lewis, Robert E.Genehr, Immanuel G.DuBose, Hampdan Coit
相關團體 (2):Educational Association of China (EAC)Religious Tract Society (RTS)
1. 在 p.473-477 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission,Curriculum,English language - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Evangelistic work - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Schools, Mission,Curriculum - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
S., J.A. - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
2. 在 p.473 出現的紀錄:
Presbyterians - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
DuBose, Hampdan Coit - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Silsby, John Alfred - Person Index
POS (Positions) : Editor, Education Depertment, CR
Educational Association of China (EAC) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)
3. 在 p.474 出現的紀錄:
Lewis, Robert E. - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
4. 在 p.475 出現的紀錄:
Lewis, Robert E. - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
5. 在 p.477 出現的紀錄:
Missions, Literature and press - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Missions, China,Szechwan - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Genehr, Immanuel G. - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)COR (Correspondence to the Editor)
DuBose, Hampdan Coit - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Religious Tract Society (RTS) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)
(volume. 35)
(volume. 35)
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 11 筆):
相關物件 (5):Schools, Mission,CurriculumSchools, Mission,TeachersSchools, Mission, Students
相關人物 (7):Osgood, Elliott I.Bonsey, ArthurCON (Conferences)
相關事件 (1):Conferences,Kuling, Kiangsi,August, 1905
相關地點 (2):LOC (Location) :Hupeh, HankowLOC (Location) :Anhwei, Chuchow
相關團體 (1):Educational Association of China (EAC)
1. 在 p.568-569 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission,Curriculum - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
2. 在 p.570-571 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission, Students - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
3. 在 p.571-572 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission,Teachers - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
4. 在 p.566-572 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Mission educational policy - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Osgood, Elliott I. - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
5. 在 p.566 出現的紀錄:
Conferences,Kuling, Kiangsi,August, 1905 - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
John, Griffith - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Mann, A.S. - Person Index
POS (Positions) : Editor, Education Department, CR
Osgood, Elliott I. - Person Index
LOC (Location) : Anhwei, Chuchow
Bonsey, Arthur - Person Index
CON (Conferences) : LOC (Location) : Hupeh, Hankow
Educational Association of China (EAC) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)
6. 在 p.570 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission,Curriculum - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Volume 36 Page 627
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 3 筆):
相關人物 (2):Anderson, David LawrencePOS (Positions) :Chancellor, AMEM, Soochow University
相關地點 (1):LOC (Location) :Kiangsu, Soochow
相關物件 (2):Schools, Mission,CurriculumMissions, Finances
1. 在 p.627 出現的紀錄:
Anderson, David Lawrence - Person Index
LOC (Location) : Kiangsu, SoochowPOS (Positions) : Chancellor, AMEM, Soochow University
Missions, Finances - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Schools, Mission,Curriculum - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
(volume. 36)
(volume. 36)
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 23 筆):
相關物件 (16):MethodistsSchools, Mission,TeachersSchools, Mission,Curriculum,Foreign languages
相關人物 (15):Lewis, Robert E.Tuan FengBashford, James W.
相關地點 (3):LOC (Location) :Kiangsu, ShanghaiLOC (Location) :HupehLOC (Location) :Great Britain
相關團體 (2):Educational Association of China (EAC)American Bible Society (ABS)
1. 在 p.38-40 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission,Curriculum - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
2. 在 p.36-42 出現的紀錄:
Mission educational policy - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Schools, Chinese - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Missions, China, Hupeh, Wuchʹang - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Schools, Mission - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Chinese educational policy - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Foster, Arnold - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
3. 在 p.36 出現的紀錄:
Missions, Statistics - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Mann, A.S. - Person Index
POS (Positions) : Editor, Education Department, CR
American Bible Society (ABS) - Mission/Organization Index
STA (Statistics)
Educational Association of China (EAC) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)
4. 在 p.37 出現的紀錄:
Tuan Feng - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)LOC (Location) : HupehPOS (Positions) : Governor of Hupeh
Chang Chih-tung - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)POS (Positions) : Viceroy of Hupeh and Hunan
5. 在 p.39 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission,Teachers - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Japanese educational policy - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Schools, Mission,Curriculum,Industrial educetion - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
6. 在 p.40 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission,Curriculum,English language - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Schools, Mission,Curriculum,Foreign languages - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
7. 在 p.41 出現的紀錄:
Missions, China,Hupeh,Hankow - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Westcott - Person Index
LOC (Location) : Great BritainUNS (Unspecified)
8. 在 p.42 出現的紀錄:
Methodists - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Bashford, James W. - Person Index
AFF (Affiliation) : EACCON (Conferences) : LOC (Location) : Kiangsu, Shanghai
Lewis, Robert E. - Person Index
CON (Conferences) : LOC (Location) : Kiangsu, ShanghaiPOS (Positions) : Secretery, YMCA, ShanghaiAFF (Affiliation) : EACAFF (Affiliation) : YMCA
Educational Association of China (EAC) - Mission/Organization Index
MEE (Meetings)LOC (Location) : Kiangsu, Shanghai
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 12 筆):
相關物件 (7):Schools, Mission,CurriculumMissions, JapanConfucianism
相關人物 (6):Pitcher, Philip WilsonPOS (Positions) :Editor, Education Department, CRMann, A.S.
相關地點 (1):LOC (Location) :Fukien, Amoy
相關團體 (1):Educational Association of China (EAC)
1. 在 p.688-689 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission,Curriculum - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
2. 在 p.681-689 出現的紀錄:
Mission educational policy - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Pitcher, Philip Wilson - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
3. 在 p.681 出現的紀錄:
Pitcher, Philip Wilson - Person Index
LOC (Location) : Fukien, Amoy
Mann, A.S. - Person Index
POS (Positions) : Editor, Education Department, CR
Educational Association of China (EAC) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)
4. 在 p.682 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission,Textbooks - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Confucianism - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
5. 在 p.683 出現的紀錄:
Missions, Japan - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
6. 在 p.685 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission,Curriculum - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
7. 在 p.686 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission, Students - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
8. 在 p.687 出現的紀錄:
Missions, Japan - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Missions, India - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Lloyd, Arthur - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
9. 在 p.689 出現的紀錄:
Hayes, Watson M. - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
(volume. 37)
(volume. 37)
Volume 38 Page 387
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 4 筆):
相關人物 (6):Lambert, Clara J.Noyes, Harriet NewellDodson, S.L.
相關物件 (1):Schools, Mission,Curriculum
1. 在 p.387 出現的紀錄:
Noyes, Harriet Newell - Person Index
AFF (Affiliation) : APMUNS (Unspecified)
Dodson, S.L. - Person Index
AFF (Affiliation) : APEMUNS (Unspecified)
Lambert, Clara J. - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)AFF (Affiliation) : CMS
Schools, Mission,Curriculum - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Volume 38 Page 407
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 5 筆):
相關人物 (2):Davis, John WrightGarritt, Joshua Crowe
相關團體 (2):American Presbyterian Mission (APM)English Baptist Mission (EBM)
相關物件 (2):SCH (Schools)Schools, Mission,Curriculum
相關地點 (1):LOC (Location) :Shantung
1. 在 p.407 出現的紀錄:
Garritt, Joshua Crowe - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
English Baptist Mission (EBM) - Mission/Organization Index
SCH (Schools)LOC (Location) : Shantung
Davis, John Wright - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Schools, Mission,Curriculum - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
American Presbyterian Mission (APM) - Mission/Organization Index
LOC (Location) : ShantungSCH (Schools)
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 1 筆):
相關人物 (2):ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)Wisner, O.F.
1. 在 p.607 出現的紀錄:
Wisner, O.F. - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
(volume. 38)
(volume. 38)
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 15 筆):
相關物件 (11):SCH (Schools)Schools, Mission,CurriculumWomen,Chinese,Education of
相關人物 (4):Awdry, WilliamOldham, H.W.AFF (Affiliation) :SPG
相關地點 (4):LOC (Location) :Fukien, AmoyLOC (Location) :Fukien, ChinchewLOC (Location) :Japan, Tokyo
相關團體 (3):American Reformed Mission (ARM)English Presbyterian Mission (EPM)London Missionary Society (LMS)
1. 在 p.313-314 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission,Curriculum - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
2. 在 p.310-316 出現的紀錄:
Mission educational policy - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Missions, China,Fukien,Chinchew - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Schools, Mission - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Missions, China,Fukien - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Missions, China,Fukien,Amoy - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Unity of Protestant Missions - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Missions, China, Fukien, Changchow - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Oldham, H.W. - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
3. 在 p.310 出現的紀錄:
Oldham, H.W. - Person Index
LOC (Location) : Fukien, Chengpu
English Presbyterian Mission (EPM) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)LOC (Location) : Fukien, Amoy
American Reformed Mission (ARM) - Mission/Organization Index
LOC (Location) : Fukien, AmoyUNS (Unspecified)
London Missionary Society (LMS) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)
4. 在 p.312 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission,Curriculum - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
London Missionary Society (LMS) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)
5. 在 p.313 出現的紀錄:
American Reformed Mission (ARM) - Mission/Organization Index
SCH (Schools)UNS (Unspecified)
London Missionary Society (LMS) - Mission/Organization Index
SCH (Schools)
English Presbyterian Mission (EPM) - Mission/Organization Index
LOC (Location) : Fukien, ChinchewSCH (Schools)
6. 在 p.314 出現的紀錄:
American Reformed Mission (ARM) - Mission/Organization Index
SCH (Schools)
7. 在 p.315 出現的紀錄:
Medical missions,Education of assistants - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
English Presbyterian Mission (EPM) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)
London Missionary Society (LMS) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)
8. 在 p.316 出現的紀錄:
Women,Chinese,Education of - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Awdry, William - Person Index
AFF (Affiliation) : SPGLOC (Location) : Japan, TokyoOTH (Other Publications)
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 18 筆):
相關物件 (16):Schools, Mission,Curriculum,TheologySchools, Mission,CurriculumMissions, Finances
相關人物 (2):ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)Bruce, J. Percy
相關團體 (2):English Baptist Mission (EBM)American Presbyterian Mission (APM)
相關地點 (1):LOC (Location) :Shantung
1. 在 p.328-329 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission,Curriculum - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
2. 在 p.329-330 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission,Curriculum,Theology - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
3. 在 p.326-328 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission,Curriculum - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
4. 在 p.326-330 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Educational institutions,Shantung Protestant University - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Mission educational policy - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Unity of Protestant Missions - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Missions, China,Shantung - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Bruce, J. Percy - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
5. 在 p.326 出現的紀錄:
Missions, China,Shantung,Chinan - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Missions, China,Shantung,Weihsien - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Educational institutions,Shantung Union College, Waihsian, Shantung - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Educational institutions,Gotch-Robinson Theological College and Normal School, Tsingchow, Shantung - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
American Presbyterian Mission (APM) - Mission/Organization Index
LOC (Location) : ShantungSCH (Schools)
English Baptist Mission (EBM) - Mission/Organization Index
LOC (Location) : ShantungSCH (Schools)
6. 在 p.327 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission,Curriculum,Theology - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
7. 在 p.328 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission,Fees - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Medical missions,Education of assistants - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Missions, Finances - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
8. 在 p.330 出現的紀錄:
Missions, Korea - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Missions, Finances - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
(volume. 39)
(volume. 39)
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 12 筆):
相關物件 (10):Schools, Mission,CurriculumSchools, Mission,TeachersMissionaries and,Mandarins
相關人物 (3):Clayton, George AlfredDobson, W.H.ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
相關地點 (2):LOC (Location) :Hupeh, HankowLOC (Location) :Kwangtung, Yeungkong
1. 在 p.249-250 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission,Curriculum - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
2. 在 p.250-251 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission,Teachers - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
3. 在 p.251-252 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission,Curriculum,Industrial educetion - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
4. 在 p.249-255 出現的紀錄:
Missions, Philanthrophy - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Mission strategy - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Blind,Education of - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Educational institutions, Hill, David, School for the Blind - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Missions, China,Hupeh,Hankow - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Clayton, George Alfred - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
5. 在 p.249 出現的紀錄:
Clayton, George Alfred - Person Index
LOC (Location) : Hupeh, Hankow
6. 在 p.254 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission,Fees - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
7. 在 p.255 出現的紀錄:
Missionaries and,Mandarins - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Dobson, W.H. - Person Index
LOC (Location) : Kwangtung, Yeungkong
(volume. 40)
(volume. 40)
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 4 筆):
相關物件 (2):PRE (Press)Philosophy,Western
相關事件 (1):Revolutions,1911 and aftermath
相關人物 (2):ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)B., A.J.
相關團體 (1):Christian Literature Society (CLS)
1. 在 p.674 出現的紀錄:
Philosophy,Western - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Revolutions,1911 and aftermath - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
B., A.J. - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
Christian Literature Society (CLS) - Mission/Organization Index
PRE (Press)
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 9 筆):
相關物件 (3):PER (Personnel)Chinese educational policySchools, Mission,Curriculum
相關人物 (7):TaiGowman, C.G.AFF (Affiliation) :CIM
相關地點 (5):LOC (Location) :Yunnan, TengyuehLOC (Location) :Tibet, YatungLOC (Location) :Yunnan, Tengyuah
相關團體 (2):China Inland Mission (CIM)Young Menʹs Christian Association (YMCA)
1. 在 p.745-746 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission,Curriculum - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Chinese educational policy - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Sec, Fong F. - Person Index
COR (Correspondence to the Editor)
2. 在 p.746 出現的紀錄:
Tai - Person Index
LOC (Location) : TibetLOC (Location) : Tibet, YatungLOC (Location) : Yunnan, TengyuehLOC (Location) : Kiangsu, ShanghaiUNS (Unspecified)
Taylor, Annie R. - Person Index
LOC (Location) : Tibet, YatungUNS (Unspecified)
Fraser, James Outram - Person Index
AFF (Affiliation) : CIMLOC (Location) : Yunnan, Tengyuah
Gowman, C.G. - Person Index
LOC (Location) : Yunnan, TengyuehUNS (Unspecified)AFF (Affiliation) : CIM
Young Menʹs Christian Association (YMCA) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)
China Inland Mission (CIM) - Mission/Organization Index
PER (Personnel)UNS (Unspecified)LOC (Location) : Yunnan, Tengyueh
(volume. 43)
(volume. 43)
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 12 筆):
相關物件 (6):PRE (Press)Chinese Christian leadershipMissions, History
相關人物 (8):Graybill, Henry BlairART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)Hodgkin, Henry Theodore
相關地點 (1):LOC (Location) :Kwangtung, Canton
相關團體 (2):Shanghai Missionary Association (SMA)China Christian Educational Association (CCEA)
1. 在 p.820 出現的紀錄:
Chinese Christian leadership - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
2. 在 p.827 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission,Curriculum - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
History,Chinese - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Mission educational policy - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Missions, History - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
W., E.W. - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
McNair, Harley Farnsworth - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)
Graybill, Henry Blair - Person Index
AFF (Affiliation) : CCEALOC (Location) : Kwangtung, CantonOTH (Other Publications)POS (Positions) : Principel, Middle School, Canton Christien CollegeUNS (Unspecified)
Hodgkin, Henry Theodore - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)
Wallace, Edward Wilson - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
China Christian Educational Association (CCEA) - Mission/Organization Index
PRE (Press)
Shanghai Missionary Association (SMA) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)
(volume. 56)
(volume. 56)
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 17 筆):
相關物件 (11):SermonsPRE (Press)PER (Personnel)
相關人物 (11):Lin Tien-hoCameron, W.M.Lacy, George Carleton
相關團體 (2):American Bible Society (ABS)China Christian Educational Association (CCEA)
相關地點 (1):LOC (Location) :Kiangsu, Shanghai
1. 在 p.132-133 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission,Curriculum,Religion - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Sunday Schools - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Wallace, Edward Wilson - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
2. 在 p.18 出現的紀錄:
Chinese attitudes toward Christianity - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
3. 在 p.132 出現的紀錄:
Missions, China,Kiangsu,Shanghai - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Western secular education - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Sermons - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Lacy, George Carleton - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)POS (Positions) : Agency Secretary, ABSAFF (Affiliation) : ABS
Lin Tien-ho - Person Index
AFF (Affiliation) : ABSPOS (Positions) : Field Secretary, ABSUNS (Unspecified)
W., E.W. - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
Cameron, W.M. - Person Index
AFF (Affiliation) : ABSPOS (Positions) : Assistant Agancy Secratary, ABSUNS (Unspecified)
American Bible Society (ABS) - Mission/Organization Index
LOC (Location) : Kiangsu, ShanghaiPER (Personnel)UNS (Unspecified)
4. 在 p.133 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission,Textbooks - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Schools, Mission,Standardization of - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Schools, Mission,Curriculum - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Graybill, Henry Blair - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)
China Christian Educational Association (CCEA) - Mission/Organization Index
PRE (Press)
(volume. 57)
(volume. 57)