年代區間:1867 ~ 1941
Volume 1 Page 116
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 3 筆):
相關物件 (1):Orthodox Churches, Ecclesiastical Mission, Peking
相關人物 (2):Ritchie, HughNoyes, Henry V.
1. 在 p.116 出現的紀錄:
Orthodox Churches, Ecclesiastical Mission, Peking - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Noyes, Henry V. - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Ritchie, Hugh - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
(volume. 1)
(volume. 1)
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 6 筆):
相關物件 (2):Travel Narrations,China,Hopeh,TientsinOrthodox Churches, Ecclesiastical Mission, Peking
相關人物 (5):Dudgeon, JohnEitel, Ernest JohnKnowlton, Miles Justice
相關地點 (2):LOC (Location) :Hong KongLOC (Location) :Hopeh, Peking
1. 在 p.143-146 出現的紀錄:
Orthodox Churches, Ecclesiastical Mission, Peking - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Dudgeon, John - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
2. 在 p.18 出現的紀錄:
Travel Narrations,China,Hopeh,Tientsin - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
3. 在 p.143 出現的紀錄:
Eitel, Ernest John - Person Index
LOC (Location) : Hong Kong
4. 在 p.144 出現的紀錄:
Murray - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)
Knowlton, Miles Justice - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
5. 在 p.146 出現的紀錄:
Dudgeon, John - Person Index
LOC (Location) : Hopeh, Peking
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 6 筆):
相關物件 (2):HIS (History)Orthodox Churches, Ecclesiastical Mission, Peking
相關人物 (5):Smith, Frederick PorterDudgeon, JohnDu HeIde
相關團體 (1):Russian Orthodox Missions (ROM)
相關地點 (1):LOC (Location) :Hopeh, Peking
1. 在 p.273-280 出現的紀錄:
Orthodox Churches, Ecclesiastical Mission, Peking - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Dudgeon, John - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
Russian Orthodox Missions (ROM) - Mission/Organization Index
HIS (History)
2. 在 p.273 出現的紀錄:
Du HeIde - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Smith, Frederick Porter - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)UNS (Unspecified)
Wassilyeff - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
3. 在 p.278 出現的紀錄:
Du HeIde - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
4. 在 p.280 出現的紀錄:
Dudgeon, John - Person Index
LOC (Location) : Hopeh, Peking
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 4 筆):
相關物件 (1):Orthodox Churches, Ecclesiastical Mission, Peking
相關人物 (4):Du HeIdeWilliams, Samuel WellsART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
1. 在 p.319-322 出現的紀錄:
Orthodox Churches, Ecclesiastical Mission, Peking - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Dudgeon, John - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
2. 在 p.319 出現的紀錄:
Du HeIde - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Williams, Samuel Wells - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
3. 在 p.322 出現的紀錄:
Du HeIde - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 7 筆):
相關物件 (1):Orthodox Churches, Ecclesiastical Mission, Peking
相關人物 (7):Bald.in, Harriet F.WassilyeffMurray
相關地點 (2):LOC (Location) :Hong KongLOC (Location) :Fukien, Foochow
1. 在 p.337-345 出現的紀錄:
Orthodox Churches, Ecclesiastical Mission, Peking - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Dudgeon, John - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
2. 在 p.338 出現的紀錄:
Du HeIde - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Bald.in, Harriet F. - Person Index
LOC (Location) : Fukien, FoochowLOC (Location) : Hong Kong
Murray - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)
3. 在 p.339 出現的紀錄:
Staunton, George Thomas - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
4. 在 p.345 出現的紀錄:
Wassilyeff - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)UNS (Unspecified)
(volume. 3)
(volume. 3)
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 5 筆):
相關物件 (2):HIS (History)Orthodox Churches, Ecclesiastical Mission, Peking
相關人物 (4):ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)Burlingame, AnsonDouglas, Carstairs
相關團體 (1):Russian Orthodox Missions (ROM)
1. 在 p.10-17 出現的紀錄:
Orthodox Churches, Ecclesiastical Mission, Peking - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Dudgeon, John - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
Russian Orthodox Missions (ROM) - Mission/Organization Index
HIS (History)
2. 在 p.11 出現的紀錄:
Douglas, Carstairs - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
3. 在 p.12 出現的紀錄:
Burlingame, Anson - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 12 筆):
相關物件 (5):Missions, FinancesRoman CatholicsHIS (History)
相關人物 (6):Pauthier, GeorgeChia-chingHyacinth
相關團體 (3):Roman Catholic Missions (RCM)London Missionary Society (LMS)Russian Orthodox Missions (ROM)
相關地點 (1):LOC (Location) :Fukien, Amoy
1. 在 p.36-38 出現的紀錄:
Roman Catholics - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
2. 在 p.35-40 出現的紀錄:
Orthodox Churches, Ecclesiastical Mission, Peking - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Orthodox Churches, Greek - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Dudgeon, John - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
Russian Orthodox Missions (ROM) - Mission/Organization Index
HIS (History)
3. 在 p.28 出現的紀錄:
Missions, Finances - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
4. 在 p.35 出現的紀錄:
London Missionary Society (LMS) - Mission/Organization Index
LOC (Location) : Fukien, Amoy
5. 在 p.36 出現的紀錄:
Roman Catholic Missions (RCM) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)
6. 在 p.37 出現的紀錄:
Chia-ching - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
7. 在 p.38 出現的紀錄:
Popoff, Paul - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Hyacinth - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Pauthier, George - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)
8. 在 p.39 出現的紀錄:
Pauthier, George - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 10 筆):
相關物件 (4):Missions, FinancesOrthodox Churches, Ecclesiastical Mission, PekingScience and mathematics
相關人物 (6):Legge, JamesBretschneider, E.ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
相關地點 (1):LOC (Location) :Kiangsu, Shanghai
相關團體 (1):Russian Orthodox Missions (ROM)
1. 在 p.51-52 出現的紀錄:
Science and mathematics - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Bretschneider, E. - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
2. 在 p.48-51 出現的紀錄:
Chinese language - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Edkins, Joseph L. - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
3. 在 p.28 出現的紀錄:
Missions, Finances - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
4. 在 p.51 出現的紀錄:
Orthodox Churches, Ecclesiastical Mission, Peking - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Legge, James - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Russian Orthodox Missions (ROM) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)
5. 在 p.52 出現的紀錄:
Phillips - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Wylle - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Bretschneider, E. - Person Index
LOC (Location) : Kiangsu, Shanghai
Legge, James - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 11 筆):
相關物件 (6):FIN (Finances)Missions, FinancesBuddhism
相關人物 (8):MoulyKoppenDEA (Death) :1869
相關團體 (2):Roman Catholic Missions (RCM)Russian Orthodox Missions (ROM)
相關地點 (1):LOC (Location) :Hopeh.Chinkisng
1. 在 p.68-74 出現的紀錄:
Orthodox Churches, Greek - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Orthodox Churches, Ecclesiastical Mission, Peking - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Dudgeon, John - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
Russian Orthodox Missions (ROM) - Mission/Organization Index
HIS (History)
2. 在 p.28 出現的紀錄:
Missions, Finances - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
3. 在 p.68 出現的紀錄:
Buddhism - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Koppen - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)UNS (Unspecified)
4. 在 p.70 出現的紀錄:
Maclay, Robert Samuel - Person Index
CON (Conferences) : Fooching
5. 在 p.72 出現的紀錄:
Mouly - Person Index
LOC (Location) : Hopeh.Chinkisng
Roman Catholic Missions (RCM) - Mission/Organization Index
FIN (Finances)
6. 在 p.73 出現的紀錄:
Mouly - Person Index
DEA (Death) : 1869
Roman Catholic Missions (RCM) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)
7. 在 p.74 出現的紀錄:
Klaproth - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 23 筆):
相關物件 (4):Missions, FinancesHIS (History)Orthodox Churches, Greek
相關人物 (26):Palladius, ArchimandriteARR (Arrivals) :1840Wassilyeff
相關團體 (1):Russian Orthodox Missions (ROM)
相關地點 (2):LOC (Location) :Hopeh, TientsinLOC (Location) :Russia
1. 在 p.96-99 出現的紀錄:
Orthodox Churches, Ecclesiastical Mission, Peking - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Orthodox Churches, Greek - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Dudgeon, John - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
Russian Orthodox Missions (ROM) - Mission/Organization Index
HIS (History)
2. 在 p.28 出現的紀錄:
Missions, Finances - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
3. 在 p.96 出現的紀錄:
Chia-ching - Person Index
DEA (Death) : 1820POS (Positions) : Emperor of China
Hyacinth - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Lloyd - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Klaproth - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
4. 在 p.98 出現的紀錄:
Hobson, Benjamin - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Scheresche.sky, Samuel Isaec Joseph - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Medhurst, Walter Henry - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Isaah - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Legge, James - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Wylle - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Edkins, Joseph L. - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Martin, William Alexander Parson - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Tatarinov, Alex - Person Index
ARR (Arrivals) : 1840UNS (Unspecified)
Wassilyeff - Person Index
ARR (Arrivals) : 1840LOC (Location) : RussiaUNS (Unspecified)
Morrison - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Scatchkoff, Consul General - Person Index
LOC (Location) : Hopeh, TientsinPOS (Positions) : Consul General, Russia
Wade, Thomas Francis - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Palladius, Archimandrite - Person Index
AFF (Affiliation) : ROMARR (Arrivals) : 1840POS (Positions) : ArchimandriteUNS (Unspecified)
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 12 筆):
相關物件 (9):BuddhismRoman CatholicsSTA (Statistics)
相關人物 (8):IsaahPalladius, ArchimandriteAFF (Affiliation) :ROM
相關團體 (1):Russian Orthodox Missions (ROM)
相關地點 (1):LOC (Location) :Manchuria
1. 在 p.186-192 出現的紀錄:
Orthodox Churches, Greek - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Orthodox Churches, Ecclesiastical Mission, Peking - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Dudgeon, John - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
Russian Orthodox Missions (ROM) - Mission/Organization Index
HIS (History)
2. 在 p.28 出現的紀錄:
Missions, Finances - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
3. 在 p.186 出現的紀錄:
Darwin, Charles - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
4. 在 p.187 出現的紀錄:
Roman Catholics - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Buddhism - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
5. 在 p.188 出現的紀錄:
Roman Catholics - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Isaah - Person Index
AFF (Affiliation) : ROMATT (Attacks)
Palladius, Archimandrite - Person Index
LOC (Location) : Manchuria
6. 在 p.189 出現的紀錄:
Isaah - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
7. 在 p.190 出現的紀錄:
Lamaism - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Buddhism - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
8. 在 p.192 出現的紀錄:
Palladius, Archimandrite - Person Index
AFF (Affiliation) : ROM
Smith, Frederick Porter - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Russian Orthodox Missions (ROM) - Mission/Organization Index
COV (Converts)STA (Statistics)
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 18 筆):
相關物件 (8):Roman Catholics,Ming-Chʹing PeriodBuddhismMissions, Finances
相關人物 (14):Scatchkoff, Consul GeneralPalladius, ArchimandriteIsaah
相關團體 (1):Russian Orthodox Missions (ROM)
相關地點 (3):LOC (Location) :Hopeh, PekingLOC (Location) :Hopeh, TientsinLOC (Location) :Russia
1. 在 p.208-209 出現的紀錄:
Scatchkoff, Consul General - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)
2. 在 p.212-214 出現的紀錄:
Science and mathematics - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
3. 在 p.207-210 出現的紀錄:
Missions, Literature and press - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
4. 在 p.206-214 出現的紀錄:
Orthodox Churches, Greek - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Orthodox Churches, Ecclesiastical Mission, Peking - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Dudgeon, John - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
Russian Orthodox Missions (ROM) - Mission/Organization Index
HIS (History)
5. 在 p.28 出現的紀錄:
Missions, Finances - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
6. 在 p.206 出現的紀錄:
Roman Catholics,Ming-Chʹing Period - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Palladius, Archimandrite - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)
7. 在 p.207 出現的紀錄:
Hyacinth - Person Index
AFF (Affiliation) : ROMOTH (Other Publications)POS (Positions) : Archmandrite
8. 在 p.208 出現的紀錄:
Palladius, Archimandrite - Person Index
LOC (Location) : Hopeh, PekingOTH (Other Publications)
Wassilyeff - Person Index
LOC (Location) : Hopeh, PekingLOC (Location) : RussiaOTH (Other Publications)
Scatchkoff, Consul General - Person Index
LOC (Location) : Hopeh, PekingLOC (Location) : Hopeh, Tientsin
Tatarinov, Alex - Person Index
LOC (Location) : Hopeh, PekingOTH (Other Publications)
9. 在 p.209 出現的紀錄:
Scatchkoff, Consul General - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Isaah - Person Index
DEA (Death) : LOC (Location) : Hopeh, PekingOTH (Other Publications)UNS (Unspecified)
Bretschneider, E. - Person Index
LOC (Location) : Hopeh, PekingOTH (Other Publications)
10. 在 p.210 出現的紀錄:
Klaproth - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Palladius, Archimandrite - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)
Hyacinth - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)
Tatarinov, Alex - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)
11. 在 p.211 出現的紀錄:
Buddhism - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Wassilyeff - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Fritsche - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
12. 在 p.212 出現的紀錄:
Scatchkoff, Consul General - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Fritsche - Person Index
LOC (Location) : Hopeh, PekingUNS (Unspecified)
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 12 筆):
相關物件 (4):Missions, FinancesLamaismHIS (History)
相關人物 (8):Dudgeon, JohnSmith, Frederick PorterHyacinth
相關團體 (1):Russian Orthodox Missions (ROM)
相關地點 (2):LOC (Location) :Hopeh, PekingPortugal
1. 在 p.227-231 出現的紀錄:
Orthodox Churches, Ecclesiastical Mission, Peking - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Dudgeon, John - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
Russian Orthodox Missions (ROM) - Mission/Organization Index
HIS (History)
2. 在 p.28 出現的紀錄:
Missions, Finances - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
3. 在 p.227 出現的紀錄:
Mencius - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Portugal - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Lamaism - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Legge, James - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)
4. 在 p.228 出現的紀錄:
Murray - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)UNS (Unspecified)
Hyacinth - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Williams, Samuel Wells - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)
Dudgeon, John - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Smith, Frederick Porter - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)UNS (Unspecified)
5. 在 p.229 出現的紀錄:
Hyacinth - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Williams, Samuel Wells - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)
Smith, Frederick Porter - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
6. 在 p.231 出現的紀錄:
Dudgeon, John - Person Index
LOC (Location) : Hopeh, Peking
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 6 筆):
相關物件 (2):Orthodox Churches, Ecclesiastical Mission, PekingRoman Catholics,Ming-Chʹing Period
相關人物 (5):Minchin, GeorgeGladstone, William EvartElgin, Lord
相關地點 (1):LOC (Location) :Hupeh, Hankow
1. 在 p.247-249 出現的紀錄:
Roman Catholics,Ming-Chʹing Period - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Minchin, George - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
2. 在 p.248 出現的紀錄:
Orthodox Churches, Ecclesiastical Mission, Peking - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
3. 在 p.249 出現的紀錄:
Wade, Thomas Francis - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Minchin, George - Person Index
LOC (Location) : Hupeh, Hankow
Elgin, Lord - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Gladstone, William Evart - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
(volume. 4)
(volume. 4)
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 24 筆):
相關人物 (10):Peet, Ly.an B.ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)Butler, John
相關物件 (14):Missions, China,Chekiang,NingpoNastorianismChinese clergy,Support of
相關團體 (2):Church Missionary Society (CMS)Russian Orthodox Missions (ROM)
相關地點 (3):LOC (Location) :Fukien, FoochowLOC (Location) :Chekiang, NingpoHolland
1. 在 p.24-25 出現的紀錄:
Peet, Ly.an B. - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
2. 在 p.22-24 出現的紀錄:
History,Chinese - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Science and mathematics - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
3. 在 p.24-26 出現的紀錄:
Schools, Mission - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
4. 在 p.26-28 出現的紀錄:
Missions, Churches and buildings - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
5. 在 p.28-32 出現的紀錄:
Travel Narrations,Russia - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Dudgeon, John - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
Russian Orthodox Missions (ROM) - Mission/Organization Index
HIS (History)
6. 在 p.18-28 出現的紀錄:
Butler, John - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
7. 在 p.18 出現的紀錄:
Missions, China,Chekiang,Ningpo - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Butler, John - Person Index
LOC (Location) : Chekiang, Ningpo
8. 在 p.20 出現的紀錄:
Nastorianism - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
9. 在 p.21 出現的紀錄:
Polo, Marco - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Missions, Burma - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Aborigines,Karen of Burma - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Anderson, Rufus - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)
10. 在 p.22 出現的紀錄:
Chinese clergy,Support of - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
11. 在 p.24 出現的紀錄:
Legge, James - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Peet, Ly.an B. - Person Index
LOC (Location) : Fukien, Foochow
Medhurst, Walter Henry - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Church Missionary Society (CMS) - Mission/Organization Index
SCH (Schools)
12. 在 p.25 出現的紀錄:
Missions, China,Chekiang,Ningpo - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Missions, China,Chekiang,Hangchou - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Martin, William Alexander Parson - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
13. 在 p.28 出現的紀錄:
Orthodox Churches, Ecclesiastical Mission, Peking - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
14. 在 p.30 出現的紀錄:
Scatchkoff, Consul General - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)
15. 在 p.32 出現的紀錄:
Holland - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
(volume. 5)
(volume. 5)
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 44 筆):
相關物件 (7):Overseas Chinese,AustraliaOverseas Chinese,SiamOverseas Chinese
相關人物 (8):Williams, Samuel WellsYahSchopenhauer
相關地點 (24):China,ChekiangChina, ShansiChina, Hopeh
相關事件 (7):Rebellions,MoslemRebellions,TʹaipʹingFamines
1. 在 p.120-128 出現的紀錄:
Demography,Chinese - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Happer, Andrew Patton - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
2. 在 p.120 出現的紀錄:
China, Hopeh - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Famines - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Rebellions,Moslem - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Shensi - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Shansi - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Shantung - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Rebellions,Tʹaipʹing - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
3. 在 p.121 出現的紀錄:
China,Chekiang - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
4. 在 p.122 出現的紀錄:
China,Chekiang - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Kiangsu,Nanking - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Orthodox Churches, Ecclesiastical Mission, Peking - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Williams, Samuel Wells - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)UNS (Unspecified)
Schopenhauer - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Davids, F.W. Rhys - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
5. 在 p.123 出現的紀錄:
Rebellions,Moslem - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China,Chekiang - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Kiangsu - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Rebellions,Nien - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Anhwei - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Von Richthoven - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Williams, Samuel Wells - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
6. 在 p.124 出現的紀錄:
China, Hopeh - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Shensi - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China,Chekiang - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Kiangsi,Chiuchiang - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Szechwan - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Anhwei,Wuhu - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Hupeh,Hanyang - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Kiangsi - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Anhwei,Anking - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Honan - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Shansi - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Kiangsu - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Anhwei - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Hupeh,Wuchʹang - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Shantung - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Rebellions,Tʹaipʹing - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Hupeh,Hankow - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Williams, Samuel Wells - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
7. 在 p.125 出現的紀錄:
China,Chekiang - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Kiangsi - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Kiangsu,Nanking - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Kiangsu,Chʹingchiang - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Anhwei - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Kwangsi - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Williams, Samuel Wells - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
8. 在 p.126 出現的紀錄:
Rebellions,Moslem - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Kansu - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Kweichow - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Yunnan - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Williams, Samuel Wells - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
9. 在 p.127 出現的紀錄:
China, Hopeh - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Kwangtung - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Overseas Chinese,United States - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Rebellions,Local - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Shensi - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Shansi - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Opium - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Wars,Opium, 1839-1842 - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Honan - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Fukien - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Overseas Chinese - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Shantung - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Overseas Chinese,Australia - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Floods - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Overseas Chinese,Siam - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Yah - Person Index
POS (Positions) : Governor-GenerelUNS (Unspecified)
10. 在 p.128 出現的紀錄:
China, Hopeh - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Famines - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Rebellions,Moslem - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Shensi - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Shansi - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Honan - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Shantung - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Rebellions,Tʹaipʹing - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
(volume. 14)
(volume. 14)
Volume 20 Page 452
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 3 筆):
相關人物 (2):WassilyeffPopoff, Paul
相關物件 (1):Orthodox Churches, Ecclesiastical Mission, Peking
1. 在 p.452 出現的紀錄:
Popoff, Paul - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Orthodox Churches, Ecclesiastical Mission, Peking - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Wassilyeff - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
(volume. 20)
(volume. 20)
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 9 筆):
相關物件 (3):Orthodox Churches, Ecclesiastical Mission, PekingManchu languageHistory,Chinese
相關人物 (5):Palladius, ArchimandriteRemusat, AbelHyacinth
相關地點 (2):LOC (Location) :Hopeh, PekingChina, Mongolia
相關團體 (1):Russian Orthodox Missions (ROM)
1. 在 p.110-113 出現的紀錄:
China, Mongolia - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
2. 在 p.106-113 出現的紀錄:
History,Chinese - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Manchu language - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Fraser, M.F.A. - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
3. 在 p.109 出現的紀錄:
Hyacinth - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
4. 在 p.111 出現的紀錄:
Orthodox Churches, Ecclesiastical Mission, Peking - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Remusat, Abel - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)
Palladius, Archimandrite - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Russian Orthodox Missions (ROM) - Mission/Organization Index
LOC (Location) : Hopeh, PekingUNS (Unspecified)
(volume. 22)
(volume. 22)
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 32 筆):
相關人物 (15):Fryer, JohnLi Hung-chengMateer, Calvin Wilson
相關物件 (13):Mission educational policyChinese government,Tsungli YamenChinese government,Tʹung-wen Kuan
相關地點 (6):China, Kiangsu,ShanghaiHong KongChina, Hopeh,Tientsin
相關事件 (2):Conferences,General Missionary,Shanghai,May, 1877Conferences,General Missionary,Shanghai,1890
相關團體 (2):Morrison Education Society (MES)Educational Association of China (EAC)
1. 在 p.382-383 出現的紀錄:
China, Kiangsu,Nanking - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
2. 在 p.385-386 出現的紀錄:
Overseas Chinese,United States,California,Missions - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
3. 在 p.383-387 出現的紀錄:
Mission educational policy - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
4. 在 p.381-387 出現的紀錄:
Missionariesʹ activities at home - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Chinese educational policy - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
5. 在 p.381-388 出現的紀錄:
Fryer, John - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
6. 在 p.381 出現的紀錄:
Chinese government,Tʹung-wen Kuan - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Military,Chinese,Kiangnan Arsenal, Shanghai - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Ferguson, John Calvin - Person Index
POS (Positions) : Editor, Educetion Department, CR
Gibson, A.G. - Person Index
SPO (Spouse)
7. 在 p.382 出現的紀錄:
China, Kiangsu,Shanghai - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Hopeh,Tientsin - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Military,Chinese,Foochow Arsenal - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
8. 在 p.383 出現的紀錄:
China, Hupeh,Wuchʹang - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Hopeh,Tientsin - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Brown - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Yung Wing - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Li Hung-cheng - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Tenney, Charles D. - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Morrison Education Society (MES) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)LOC (Location) : Kwangtung, CantonHIS (History)
9. 在 p.384 出現的紀錄:
Conferences,General Missionary,Shanghai,1890 - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Roman Catholics - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Kiangsu,Shanghai - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Conferences,General Missionary,Shanghai,May, 1877 - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Hong Kong - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Fryer, John - Person Index
CON (Conferences) :
Wu Ting-fang - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
10. 在 p.385 出現的紀錄:
Missions, Literature and press - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Orthodox Churches, Ecclesiastical Mission, Peking - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Overseas Chinese,United States,Students - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
China, Kiangsu,Shanghai - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Hong Kong - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
11. 在 p.388 出現的紀錄:
Chinese government,Tsungli Yamen - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Mission educational policy - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Mateer, Calvin Wilson - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Allen, Young J. - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Reid, Gilbert - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Educational Association of China (EAC) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)
(volume. 28)
(volume. 28)