年代區間:1867 ~ 1941
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 8 筆):
相關物件 (7):FIN (Finances)Mission educational policyEvangelistic work
相關人物 (2):ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)Barnhaisel, Charles F.
相關團體 (1):American Presbyterian Mission (APM)
相關地點 (1):LOC (Location) :Korea
1. 在 p.291-292 出現的紀錄:
Mission educational policy - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
2. 在 p.292-293 出現的紀錄:
Evangelistic work - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
3. 在 p.291-293 出現的紀錄:
Korean Church,Support of - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Missionaries, Support of - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Missions, Finances - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Missions, Korea - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Barnhaisel, Charles F. - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
4. 在 p.291 出現的紀錄:
American Presbyterian Mission (APM) - Mission/Organization Index
LOC (Location) : KoreaUNS (Unspecified)
5. 在 p.292 出現的紀錄:
American Presbyterian Mission (APM) - Mission/Organization Index
FIN (Finances)
6. 在 p.293 出現的紀錄:
American Presbyterian Mission (APM) - Mission/Organization Index
FIN (Finances)
(volume. 45)
(volume. 45)
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 6 筆):
相關物件 (3):Missions, KoreaKorean Church,Support ofMissions, Finances
相關人物 (6):Brown, Arthur JUdsonMoffatt, JamesBlair, William N.
相關地點 (1):LOC (Location) :Korea
1. 在 p.294-299 出現的紀錄:
Missions, Finances - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Korean Church,Support of - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Missions, Korea - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Blair, William N. - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
2. 在 p.294 出現的紀錄:
Blair, William N. - Person Index
LOC (Location) : Korea
Moffatt, James - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
3. 在 p.295 出現的紀錄:
Brown, Arthur JUdson - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)AFF (Affiliation) : APMLOC (Location) : KoreaPOS (Positions) : Secretary, APM
Moffatt, James - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
(volume. 60)
(volume. 60)
Volume 70 Page 207-208
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 13 筆):
相關團體 (1):London Missionary Society (LMS)
相關人物 (7):Roberts, Frances MsrkleyFisher, Galen M.Chao Tzu-chen
相關地點 (1):LOC (Location) :Kiangsu, Shanghai
相關物件 (6):Missions, Literature and pressMissions, KoreaPoetry
1. 在 p.207-208 出現的紀錄:
Korean Church,Support of - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Missions, Korea - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
2. 在 p.207 出現的紀錄:
Hung, William - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Missions, Literature and press - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Poetry - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
3. 在 p.208 出現的紀錄:
London Missionary Society (LMS) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Roberts, Frances Msrkley - Person Index
AFF (Affiliation) : APEMLOC (Location) : Kiangsu, Shanghai
Missions, China,Kiangsu,Shanghai - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Missions, Literature and press - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Kagawa, Toyohiko - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Paton, William - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Art,Chinese,Christian - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Fisher, Galen M. - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Chao Tzu-chen - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)
(volume. 70)
(volume. 70)