年代區間:1867 ~ 1941
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 9 筆):
相關物件 (5):HIS (History)Missions, KoreaPresbyterians
相關人物 (5):ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)S., A.H.Smith, Arthur Henderson
相關團體 (1):Presbyterian Church of Korea (PCKorea)
1. 在 p.280 出現的紀錄:
Buddhism - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Animism - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Presbyterians - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Missions, Korea - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Soper, Edmund Devison - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)
Clark, Charles Allen - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)
Smith, Arthur Henderson - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
S., A.H. - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
Presbyterian Church of Korea (PCKorea) - Mission/Organization Index
HIS (History)UNS (Unspecified)
(volume. 53)
(volume. 53)
Volume 55 Page 755
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 11 筆):
相關地點 (5):MexicoIndiaCeylon
相關物件 (5):Missions, KoreaMissions, JapanPresbyterians
相關團體 (1):Presbyterian Church of Korea (PCKorea)
1. 在 p.755 出現的紀錄:
Canada - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Alcohol - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Evangelistic work - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Presbyterians - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Africa - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Presbyterian Church of Korea (PCKorea) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Missions, Japan - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Ceylon - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
India - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Mexico - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Missions, Korea - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
(volume. 55)
(volume. 55)
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 24 筆):
相關物件 (15):STA (Statistics)Membership in missions,ConvertsMissions, Korea,Seoul
相關人物 (5):Shepperd, G.W.Mott, John R.NeviUs, John Livingstone
相關地點 (1):LOC (Location) :Korea
相關團體 (8):Roman Catholic Missions (RCM)Presbyterian Church of Korea (PCKorea)Russian Orthodox Missions (ROM)
1. 在 p.150-157 出現的紀錄:
Methodists - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Mission strategy - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Missions, Korea - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Presbyterians - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Clark, W.M. - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
2. 在 p.151 出現的紀錄:
Membership in missions,Converts - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Roman Catholics - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
NeviUs, John Livingstone - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
American Southern Methodist Episcopal Mission (ASMEM) - Mission/Organization Index
STA (Statistics)LOC (Location) : KoreaUNS (Unspecified)
Russian Orthodox Missions (ROM) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)LOC (Location) : KoreaSTA (Statistics)
Church of England Zenana Mission Society (CEZMS) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)LOC (Location) : Korea
Oriental Missionary Society (OMS) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)LOC (Location) : Korea
Roman Catholic Missions (RCM) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)STA (Statistics)HIS (History)LOC (Location) : Korea
Seventh Day Adventist Church (SDAC) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)LOC (Location) : Korea
Salvation Army (SArmy) - Mission/Organization Index
LOC (Location) : KoreaUNS (Unspecified)
Presbyterian Church of Korea (PCKorea) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)LOC (Location) : Korea
3. 在 p.152 出現的紀錄:
Missions, Korea, Pyengyang - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Missions, China,Shantung - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Presbyterian Church of Korea (PCKorea) - Mission/Organization Index
PER (Personnel)UNS (Unspecified)
4. 在 p.153 出現的紀錄:
Educational institutions, Union College, Pyengyang, Korea - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Educational institutions,Sevarance Union Medical College, Seoul, Ko-ree - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Educational institutions, Chosen Christian College, Seoul, Korea - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
5. 在 p.154 出現的紀錄:
Membership in missions,Converts - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Shepperd, G.W. - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)OTH (Other Publications)
6. 在 p.155 出現的紀錄:
Missions, Korea,Seoul - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Mott, John R. - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)LOC (Location) : Korea
(volume. 60)
(volume. 60)
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 7 筆):
相關物件 (4):STA (Statistics)COV (Converts)Missions, Korea
相關人物 (5):Clark, Charles AllenART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)NeviUs, John Livingstone
相關團體 (1):Presbyterian Church of Korea (PCKorea)
相關地點 (1):LOC (Location) :Korea
1. 在 p.384 出現的紀錄:
Mission strategy - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Missions, Korea - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Clark, Charles Allen - Person Index
OTH (Other Publications)UNS (Unspecified)
Kepler, A.R. - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
K., A.R. - Person Index
ART (Articles in Chinese Recorder)
NeviUs, John Livingstone - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Presbyterian Church of Korea (PCKorea) - Mission/Organization Index
COV (Converts)STA (Statistics)UNS (Unspecified)LOC (Location) : Korea
出現在本頁中的辭條 (共 7 筆):
相關物件 (2):MethodistsTheology
相關人物 (5):Hayes, Paul G.WalleceMontgomery, H.H.
相關團體 (1):Presbyterian Church of Korea (PCKorea)
1. 在 p.726-727 出現的紀錄:
Theology - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Methodists - Subject Index
SUB (Subject)
Genehr, Immanuel G. - Person Index
COR (Correspondence to the Editor)
2. 在 p.726 出現的紀錄:
Hayes, Paul G. - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Presbyterian Church of Korea (PCKorea) - Mission/Organization Index
UNS (Unspecified)
3. 在 p.727 出現的紀錄:
Montgomery, H.H. - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Hayes, Paul G. - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
Wallece - Person Index
UNS (Unspecified)
(volume. 62)
(volume. 62)