在 Mission/Organization Index 中,以 P 開頭的條目
- Pacific Islands Mission
- Pʹang-Chuang Association
- Paris Evangelical Association
- Paris Missionary Society
- Paris Protestant Mission
- Pastorsʹ Association of Shanghai
- Peking Missionary Association
- Peking Tent Mission
- Pentecostal Missionary Union
- Philadelphia Presbyterian Womenʹs Missionary Society
- Pioneer Mission Agency
- Plymouth Brethren
- Pocket Testament League
- Pomeranian Mission Union for the Evangelization of China
- Presbyterian Church of China
- Presbyterian Church of Korea
- Presbyterian Church of the U.S.
- Presbyterian Mission, Amoy
- Presbyterian Mission, Bangkok
- Presbyterian Mission, Canton
- Presbyterian Mission, Central China
- Presbyterian Mission, Hainan
- Presbyterian Mission, Hangchou
- Presbyterian Mission, Hunan
- Presbyterian Mission, India
- Presbyterian Mission, Korea
- Presbyterian Mission, Laos
- Presbyterian Mission, Manchuria
- Presbyterian Mission, Ningpo
- Presbyterian Mission, North China
- Presbyterian Mission, Peking
- Presbyterian Mission, Pyengyang, Korea
- Presbyterian Mission, Seoul, Korea
- Presbyterian Mission, Shanghai
- Presbyterian Mission, Shantung
- Presbyterian Mission, Singapore
- Presbyterian Mission, Swatow
- Presbyterian Mission, Syenchun, Korea
- Presbyterian Mission, Tungchow
- Primitive Methodist Church
- Protestant Missionary Alliance
在 Person Index 中,以 P 開頭的條目
- P.
- P., A.M.
- P., A.P.
- P., C.
- P., C.E.
- P., E.M.
- P., E.M.,Jr.
- P., F.L.H.
- P., F.T.
- P., G.
- P., H.C.
- P., J.B.
- P., J.T.
- P., J.W.
- P., L.C.
- P., M.E.
- P., O.
- P., O.M.
- P., P.F.
- P., R.T.
- P., S.B.
- P., T.
- P., T.J.
- P., W.B.
- P., W.W.
- P.-W., W.S.
- Packard, Ruth
- Padalford. NOMlan J.
- Paga, I.
- Page, Kirby
- Page, N.
- Peine, T.L.
- Paintar, George W.
- Pakenham-Walsh, W.S.
- Palladius, Archimandrite
- Palm, A.E.
- Palmberg
- Palmberg, A.M. Wright
- Palmberg, G.
- Pelmberg, Hilme A. Hagsten
- Palmborg, Rose W.
- Palmer
- Palmer, Albart W.
- Palmer, Carolina L.
- Palmer, Morgan
- Palmer, W.
- Palmerston, Lord
- Pan
- Pan, Beausie Y.
- Pan Chi-chen
- Pan Kung-chan
- Pan, Z.H.
- Pang, S.Y.
- Pang Yu-lin
- Pao Kwang-lin
- Pao Shih-Jih
- Park, Nora Lambuth
- Park, W.H.
- Parker
- Parkar, A.P.
- Parker, Albert George
- Parker, Alice SCudder Coolay
- Parker, E.W.
- Parker, Edward H.
- Parker, George
- Parker, H.
- Parker, James
- Parker, John
- Parker, Lillie Sheldon Ashburn
- Parker, Minnie Shao
- Parker, Peter
- Parker, R.A.
- Parker, Ruth L.
- Parker, Susie E. Williams
- Parkes, Harry
- Parlar, H.M.
- Parmenter, Mery F.
- Parrott, Albert George
- Parrott, Annie M. Hayward
- Parrott, Constence Mary Reynol
- Parry, C.E. Easton
- Parry, Frank E.
- Parry, Herbert L.
- Parsons
- Parsons, B.G.
- Parsons, C.H.
- Parsons, Cassen E.
- Parsons, Edward F.
- Partch, George E.
- Partch, V.F.
- Partridge, Charlotte Irene
- Partridga, M.L.
- Partridge, S.B.
- Partridga, Sidney C.
- Pasqual
- Paterson, T.C.
- Paton
- Paton, B. Lewis
- Paton, David M.
- Paton, John G.
- Paton, Thomas
- Paton, W.B.
- Paton, William
- Patterson
- Patterson, Annie R. Houston
- Patterson, B.C.
- Patterson, C.H.
- Patterson, Ernst
- Patton, Charles E.
- Patton, Cornelius H.
- Patton, Isabella Mack
- Patton, J.C.
- Paul
- Paul, Alexander
- Paul, K.T.
- Paulson, C.T.
- Pauthier, George
- Pawlay
- Paxson, Ruth
- Paxton, John W.
- Payne
- Payne, Henry
- Payne, Jessie E.
- Payson, Adelia M.
- Peabody, Stephen C.
- Peake, Ernest C.
- Peale, John R.
- Pearce
- Pearce, Gittins
- Pearce, Thomas W.
- Pearse, Edward
- Pearse, Goodman
- Pearse, J.B.
- Peat, Helen
- Peat, J.F.
- Peat, Margeratta
- Peat, Mary
- Peat, William G
- Peck, A.P.
- Peck, Eugene C.
- Pedersen, Theodore
- Pederson, Ingeborg
- Peet, CarOline A. Koerner
- Peet, Ly.an B.
- Peet, R.C.
- Pegoraro
- Pei Yu-li
- Paill
- Peill, Arthur D.
- Peill, Ernest J.
- Peill, Freda Davies
- Peill, Sidney G.
- Pelliot
- Pe.berton, R.J.
- Peng
- Peng Chun-chang
- Peng Lan-seng
- Peng, Peter
- Pentecost, George F.
- Perke, H.V.S.
- Perkins
- Perkins, E.C.
- Perkins, Estella L. Akers
- Perkins, Henry P.
- Perob
- Perreyor, Henri
- Perry, Edward W.
- Perry, Matthew
- Persson, Emma
- Parsson, Sven A.
- Peter, William Wesley
- Peters, Sarah
- Peterson
- Peterson, Ellen J.
- Peteraon, John
- Peterson. R.A.
- Petersson, B.M.P.
- Petitt, C.W.
- Pettee, James H.
- Petterson, E.
- Pettua, Sarah DeForest
- Pettus, William Bacon
- Phang Jong-heng
- Phalps, Arthur Stevans
- Phelps, Austin. Rev.
- Phelps, Drydan Linsley
- Phelps, G.S.
- Phelps, K.E.
- Philip, P. Oomman
- Phillips
- Phillips, Alfred Arthur
- Phillips, Carolina Jane Kelly
- Phillips, George
- Phillips, Hugh Stowell
- Phillips, Josephine Amy Clouti
- Phillips, L. Gordon
- Phillips, M.M.
- Pickens, Claude L.,Jr.
- Pickens, Clauda L.,Jr.
- Pien Paa-ti
- Pierce, L.W.
- Pierce, Nellie A. Miner
- Piercy, George
- Pierson
- Piarson
- Pierson, Arthur T.
- Pierson, F. Hale
- Pierson, ISSBC
- Pierson, Serah E.
- Pieters, Albertus
- Piggott
- Pigott, Jessie Kemp
- Pigott, T.W.
- Pike, C.A.
- Pike, Douglas F.
- Pike, L. Boulter
- Pilcher, Leander W.
- Pilkington, George L.
- Pilley, Muriel Caldwell
- Pin Hsu
- Pincock
- Pinto, Adriao a da Silvena
- Piper, John
- Pirie, William
- Pitcher, Philip Wilson
- Pitkin, Horace Trecey
- Piton
- Piton, Charles p.
- Piton, Sophia Pirrenon
- Pitts, A.W.
- Pius XI
- Platt, Joe E.
- Playfair, G.M.H.
- Plewman, T.E.
- Plopper, Clifford H.
- Plumb, Florence J.
- Plumb, Julia F. Walling
- Plumb, Nathan James
- Po Yeang
- Pohl.an, W.J.
- Pole, G.H.
- Polhill-Turner, Alice Drake
- Polhill-Turner, Arthur Twistle
- Polhill-Turner, Cacil Henry
- Polhill-Turner, Eleanor Agnes
- Polk, Margaret H.
- Pollard Samuel
- Pommerenke, H.H.
- Popoff, Paul
- Porteoua, E. Forsberg
- Porteous, Gladetone
- Porteous, Gladstone
- Porteous, M. Pearson
- Porteous, Robart W.
- Porter
- Porter, A. Hewett
- Porter, David R.
- Porter, Elizabeth C. Chapin
- Porter, Henry Dwight
- Porter, Lucius Chapin
- Porter, M.
- Porter, Mary H.(1)
- Porter, Mary H.(2)
- Porter, Mary Q.
- Porter, R.B.
- Porterfield, Willard Merritt
- Posey, M.A.
- Poston, David Gray
- Poteat, Edwin McNeill,Jr.
- Poteat, Gordon
- Pott
- Pott, Emily Georgiena Browne C
- Pott, Francis Lister Hawks
- Pott, James H.
- Pott, S.N. Wong
- Pott, William Sumner Applaton
- Potter, C.A.
- Pottinger, Henry
- Poulter, M.
- Powell, Alice M.
- Powell, Robert
- Pratt
- Pratt, James Bissett
- Pray, Susan R.
- Preedy, A.
- Preedy, M.L.S. Harman
- Preston, Charles F.
- Preston, John
- Preston, Mary G. Brewster
- Preston, T.J.
- Price
- Price, C.W.
- Price, Ester Eckard Wilson
- Price, Francis M.
- Price, Frank Wilson
- Price, H. McC. E.
- Price, Harry
- Price, Lottie W.
- Price, Maurice T.
- Price, Philip Francis
- Price, R.B.
- Prip-Moller, J.
- Proctor, J.T.
- Protheroe, Susenna Mead
- Protharoe, Thomas
- Provence, H.W.
- Pruen, W.L.
- Pruitt, Anna Ashley Seward
- Pruitt, C.W.
- Pruitt, Ida Tiffany
- Pruyn, Mary
- Prytz, Frida
- Pu Lun
- Pullan, George L.
- Pullar, H.W.
- Purple, Jessie A.
- Putnam, K.
- Pu-yi, Henry
- Pye, Watts Orson
- Pyke, Belle
- Pyke, F.M.
- Pyke, James Howell
- Pyle, Marthe
- Pyle, Martha E.